To ensure success at the start of classes, students must take these vital steps.
Get ahead of the game.
As high school graduates prepare to embark on the journey of college, often for the first time away from home and family, uncertainties can bring about many concerns. To help alleviate some of those fears and provide a strong foundation for success in their new environment, here are several tips that incoming freshmen can use to get organized before classes start.
Whether it’s researching academic support or honing interpersonal skills – these suggestions will have them feeling prepared as they make this important transition into higher education.
Uncover the newest protocols concerning COVID-19.
As the coronavirus pandemic changed our lives, the 2020-2021 school year had to be adapted drastically in order for colleges and universities to protect their communities. Remote instruction was widely enforced while social distancing protocols, mask-wearing rules, and other safety measures were put into place. It goes without saying that this will go down as an unforgettable experience for those who lived through it.
As the advent of COVID-19 vaccines permits us to roll back some of the restrictions made previously, it doesn’t mean that we are going to return entirely to normalcy. Most universities mandate vaccinations as a prerequisite for student acceptance and attendance, while those who don’t receive the jab must comply with certain parameters such as face masks and distance measures.
In addition, some campuses may even make unvaccinated students pay for their own testing! With this in mind, it is crucial that any college student planning on returning this fall checks into their school’s guidance page beforehand, so they know exactly what will be expected from them.
Make sure you read enough.
College is a much more intensive experience than high school, requiring substantially greater amounts of reading. High school and summer are great times for students to transition into the heavier workload of college by reading books. For those seeking a good read, there’s no shortage of options from various common reading programs at universities nationwide that range from bestsellers to contemporary texts dealing with pressing social matters.
Even better? Some schools assign required pre-term readings, which will then be discussed in classes or other groups upon their return! Reading ahead is, therefore, an excellent means to ensure you’re prepared and can meaningfully engage come the fall semester.
Research a variety of college majors to find your best fit.
While freshmen don’t need to decide on their college major just yet, they should still begin considering it in order to make the most of course selection. Students interested in premed or prelaw fields may wish to look into programs offered by their school for more information on required classes and other necessary steps toward graduation day.
Academic advising can also be a great resource for those looking to discover what classes would aid them when pursuing majors or minors.
Enhance your interpersonal abilities, communication, and social graces.

The college encourages students to cultivate their communication abilities, honing them into formidable skills. To excel in college, students must hone their skills for effective verbal and written communication as well as foster the capacity to work productively with others. Being able to artfully collaborate on group projects and effectively articulate thoughts to professors will be paramount for successful academic achievement.
Social issues are important to address, especially in an increasingly multicultural world. To their benefit, students will engage with people from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences during college. Taking advantage of diversity/inclusion classes or books is highly encouraged them as it will build necessary leadership and problem-solving skills—essential qualities needed when looking for jobs while still enrolled in school or after graduating.
Once the semester begins, taking courses that focus on developing soft skills should be at the top of one’s priority list.
Utilize time-management tools to your advantage.
College can be an exciting time of newfound freedom and independence. However, the academic and social demands are no joke. Even the most responsible student may struggle to find balance while managing their studies. Fortunately, there is a vast selection of digital tools that help students organize their schedules, so they don’t get overwhelmed with workloads or distracted by limited entertainment channels.
Smartphone apps assist in regulating screen time on leisure activities as well as monitoring study sessions, ensuring that your college journey is successful yet enjoyable!
Obtain a job during your freshman year.
College is costly, and going to school comes with more than just tuition and fees. Regular expenses can take up a hefty portion of a student’s college funds; however, getting a part-time job may be beneficial for the budget but also takes away from class time. The federal work-study program could provide an option for some students, which they can get info on by visiting their respective financial aid offices before enrolling in classes.
It would be prudent that freshmen discuss financial expectations with their families before deciding to work while attending college.